Air Conditioning: Priceless

i'm sitting in a divinely air conditioned, nicely appointed hotel room in Orange County, and they have FREE WIRELESS INTERNET! I feel just as inert as at home; i just want to curl into a ball, watch tv, do my puzzles, and not talk to anyone for awhile. i really should up my seroquel.

the guy next to me on the flight was a chatterbox, but very interested in my sudoko puzzle. then we talked about europe. he's had some great experiences and we talked about how ridiculously clean switzerland is. i mean really. and how the french hated us even before 9/11, and how there's so much history and everything is old but in a beautiful way.

the beds are nice here, with great linens. i am so comfortable right now.
my shuttle driver coming to the hotel is from Iraq! we talked a bit about things over there. a really nice guy with no optimism for Iraq.


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