Leave Aging Women Alone

i cannot stand the judgmentalism and cruelty with which "older" women are often treated in this culture.

i'm not even going to define "older." in some industries, it's anyone over 30. for others, it's whenever the first wrinkle appears. it's just disgusting.

aging happens; don't hold people personally responsible for it and don't attack their character. i was perusing a website called Cult News because it sounded interesting, and it tears madonna apart for showing signs of "aging."

ridiculous. in other cultures, there is something called "respect," which is generally accorded to those older than ourselves, whereby we do not hold against them the effects of time. look into it, mainstream america.

this is one piece of the larger problem that is misogyny, of course.


Halie D. said…
I agree that judging anyone based on their age is bullshit, and criticizing women (sometimes men get this but more often its the reverse for them) for aging is really sad.
It's been a while since I checked into A Piece of Your Mind. I hope your doing well today.
I'm at the newspaper, but its been a slow news day so I thought I'd drop by. You also inspired me to start posting on my blogsite again. I can't promise consistency, but check in if you remember.
Talk to you soon
Halie D. said…
Oh shoot. Did I give you the right link? Its:
Will you not post the last comment if it was the wrong link? Thanks. I guess that's what the preview button that I ignored was there for.

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