D-Day + 62 Years

huge huge hugely important commemoration!

everybody go out and watch "Band of Brothers," or read any of Stephen Ambrose's books about World War II.

that is your assignment today!


my parents and I visited the beaches at Normandy when I was a kid. We saw Utah beach and at least one cemetery. even at that young age i knew something really important had happened there, and my dad was particularly interested, which always means something important is at hand.

i'm so grateful for that opportunity. we have a picture of me sitting on an American tank in the town square of, I believe, a town in Belgium--possibly Arlon, from the fateful Battle of the Bulge. How surreal to be sitting in my shorts and sandals, on a swelteringly hot Belgian summer day, on this tank, grinning from ear to ear, when the actual use of that tank many years before had been so sinister.

an odd cross-section of time and place and circumstance!


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