"I Have Nothing to Offer but Fear Itself"

case in point. coming back from commercial, Colbert strikes an FDR-like pose, using pen in place of cigarette holder, and proclaims, "I have nothing to offer but fear itself!"

this, to me, is a brilliant blend of FDR's "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" speech, and winston churchill's "i have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat" speech. love it! here is an historically erudite man, who can combine two famous speeches to make one hilariously ironic (and timely, since today is D-Day plus 62), historical reference.

tonight, he pretended to argue with christiane amanpour about the pronunciation of "iran" and "iraq." she's funny--that's the second time i've seen her correct someone on camera about the proper pronunciation of those two country names. apparently, it's a long "i" and "a" and not short ones that are correct, as in "eerahn" and "eerahq," phonetically. she's a riot; gywneth paltrow describes her as "punk rock."


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