Meeting Tim Russert

I'm currently watching Russert, on "Meet the Press," as he gently attacks/pokes and prods his guests. Newt Gingrich is up first, who is one of my least favorite talking heads. I swear it's always the alarmists who get interviewed on these armchair commentary shows, rather than folks who may have equally interesting and informed opinions but who aren't convinced that our demise is just around the corner.

He does make the salient point that the Iraq war must not be perceived as Bush's war, which I think it already is. Bush is rapidly becoming his own island as his rhetoric and "leadership" moves further and further away from reality. It is increasingly difficult for even his closest supporters to nod their heads along with his bumbling policy.

It is becoming easier to separate my mom's unhappiness from my own state of mind. I see it more as hers, not mine. I'm sorry that she's so unhappy, but it's not my unhappiness.

In other Middle Eastern instability news, Iran's early election returns are showing a decrease of support for its current president, the wretch who claims that the Holocaust never happened. Small, incremental progress.


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