A Saturday Afternoon in Pajamas
[me at Christmas-time, many years ago. the stocking on the right is the one in which i was brought home from the hospital; the blanket on the left was one of my favorite childhood "blankies"]
I spent the day in my pajamas (and wool coat, since my mom and I are always fighting over the temperature), watching a dog show, reading about torture on Wikipedia, persuading my mom to meet a new cat on Tuesday, and planning her birthday (we're going to see the English-language version of Molière's "Les Femmes Savantes" in Palo Alto after an early dinner). For my birthday, I'm leaning toward dinner at a nice French place in San Francisco. Something low-key. I just can't wait to get out into the world and start having my own life. Can't wait. There is so much out there that I want for myself.
I've also rented "Mission Impossible III" and "The Road to Guantanamo," and "The Pink Panther" came in the mail from Netflix.
I saw "Road," and while it was interesting, it didn't make its case more convincingly than anything else I've heard re the war. I have liberal views, but I don't appreciate the one-sidedness that some people use to justify their own opinions. I respect good arguments in which I can't poke holes.
I should go out tonight. I've been in all day, still adjusting to life at home and getting my head screwed on properly. I haven't gone shopping yet for food, so I've subsisted on foods like pizza and a ham sandwich till now. I'd like to browse my favorite bookstores on Castro Street tonight, and listen to good music at East/West Books, with maybe a hot chocolate somewhere (though nothing around here equals the "Bittersweet Cafe" in Oakland). Speaking of Oakland, I'd like to spend some time in the East Bay over break, but the dorms are closed.
I'm currently watching a CNN special on YouTube, which has disappointingly removed most of its clips from my favorite comedy shows. Oh well. I can't wait to see "Dreamgirls," because I hear amazing things about Jennifer Hudson's performance. How she made it from American Idol reject to Golden Globe-nominated Supporting Actress in her debut feature film is beyond me.
My mom's b'day gift arrived in the mail, and I'm really excited about it. I can't tell you what it is yet, though, since her b'day is still upcoming!
Have I mentioned that I like Christina Aguilera's new album? And Jeff Skilling has reported to prison (ex-Enron executive) for 24 years. GOOD RIDDANCE.