Music From My Childhood

comforts me like nothing else. i can almost feel those days again as if they were right here. love and comfort; at the beginning and before it all. before the hurt[s]. i need that space today.

it's time to go home. i've had enough lessons for quite awhile, and it's time to seek the shelter of those who love me. i am going to make it in this world, it's just going to take some doing because of all the setbacks. i'm equal to the challenge, though, and always have been.

i don't even feel like going to dinner tonight. i just want to get this paper done, spend time with my friends, and go home. pain turns me inward, and i suppose that's where i need to be.

i don't deserve these struggles and this suffering. i did not ask for it, but it's my cross to bear anyway, an invisible one that no one will ever completely understand. i don't deserve this. i am so tired of fighting. tired of rejection and all the rest of it. i don't even understand what i'm doing wrong--choosing the wrong people? is it something i'm doing? darned if i know. i don't want to keep making the same mistakes.


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