The Plot Thickens...and Congeals

Oh dear. things reached a fever-pitch of lunacy, ridiculousness, and the absurd last night at founders.

poor hfg! we were laughing like a table of pre-schoolers most of the evening, checking out the efrs. they, apparently, were checking us out, too, because when hfg went to put his tray away, he was looking in our direction, and went down the stairs instead of taking it to the tray place! realizing his error, he came back up the stairs and deposited his tray in the tray rack.

i thought i would die. we were laughing like hyenas, which made me feel terribly, since he was probably already embarrassed.

i should probably say something to him, but i don't know what. poor guy. i'm so embarrassed. this thing has been building up forever, and it will probably all come to naught. i hope alessandro didn't get his wires crossed and inform Febreeze that I'm interested in him rather than in hfg.

this is starting to sound like a Shakespearean comedy of errors and mistaken identities.

to top it all off, he and i were wearing the same sweater! my friends just about pushed me in his direction or waved him over to come sit with us. i was joking that there would be a hanging last night if they had done that. this will probably end so anti-climactically, given all the suspense so far.

my emotional age decreases with every day I spend here, I think.


Anonymous said…
aw, man! I missed all the fun because I had to go to stupid physics lab. Boooo!

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