Blogging Myself Into Oblivion

The hazard of remaining in my room adding Stephen Colbert video clips to this blog long after my friends have left for dinner: eating alone once I get to the dining hall! Anticipating this outcome, I brought along my laptop, which means I've spent the entire evening in cyberspace. Here comes Sara. Adieu! I hope you enjoy the Stephen Colbert clips as much as I do.

I've reached that point in the evening when the blaring music, screeching tires, and revving engines from the streets of Oakland really begin to grate on my nerves. Don't they know it's rude?

When we allow someone to constitute part of us, and they go away, what is left? How do we re-group? How do we not hate them for hurting us? Maybe we only hate those who have opened unhealed wounds; maybe people who can forgive are pretty whole to start with and don't get so taken in by others, aren't so easily swayed. Sadness makes me feel alive; it's a gift, in that sense. It's important to be in touch with my feelings, but that's hard to do unless I'm sad. I wonder why.


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