Indecision 2007

Beat you to it, Jon Stewart! Oh, wait; there isn't a presidential election next year. Rather, an event of more import takes place: Diana's graduation! I still don't know which courses I'm taking next semester or whether I'll be able to double major or not. There are more classes offered than I have room for, so I'll have to make some choices. I get anxious when it comes to the registrar, though; I wouldn't want to decide in January to double major, and then be denied due to a silly deadline or something equally trivial.

*European Realism, with one of my favorite instructors
*Theories of International Relations (ouch?), required, with one of my favorite instructors
*Les Lumières (The Enlightenment):
"Un cours avancé qui combine la littérature et la philosophie depuis
les débuts du mouvement au 17ème siècle jusqu'à la fin du 18ème
(de Descartes à Rousseau et Condorcet, mais on lit aussi du théatre
et des romans)."

*Advanced Grammar and Translation:
"Comme le titre l'indique, c'est un cours où on travaille le français
à un niveau relativement avancé mais pratique, en partie en
faisant de la grammaire appliquée, et en partie s'initiant à la
traduction (dans le sens anglais-français), qui est le meilleur
moyen de cultiver le sens du style et des nuances."

*Revolutions in Latin America, with a favorite instructor
*Women Writers from Spain, in English, unknown instructor (I would only take this if the instructor was fabulous or if I needed it to double major)
*Thesis, required if I double major in Literary and Cultural Studies
*not sure whether I should insist upon a thesis in IR, it's not required


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