I Take Issue: One Hundred Bottles of Beer on the Wall

I take issue with the federal drinking age of 21. What is the point? It is rarely enforced, and so flagrantly violated that it contributes to disrespect for the law on the part of young adults.

If people are going to drink anyway, what is the point of enforcing an archaic law? One might argue that the same could be said for murder or drug use, though, but alcohol use is relatively benign compared to the aforementioned. In other countries with lower drinking ages, binge drinking is almost unheard of, whereas it is nearly an epidemic here, resulting in numerous DUIs, overdoses, sexual assaults to occur. What would be the harm in lowering it to 18?

Lowering the age would detract from the forbidden-fruit attraction it currently has, young adults would mature more quickly and develop better judgment and a stronger sense of personal responsibility.


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