Fun While it Lasted

It might be worthwhile for pundits to take a break from their Hugo Chavez-bashing long enough to realize that the guy has enormous support in many parts of the world and that his Noam Chomsky book-thumping speech at the UN put to words what a lot of people already believe.

Yes, he may be full of hot air, I think it's too soon at this point to know, but he also may constitute the forerunnner to "a grave and gathering threat." He's pretty popular in Venezuela, and his rapidly developing BFF relationship with Iran's president, while not cause for immediate concern, should not be overlooked.

I hate to make a reference to the all-too-often-referred-to World War II, but how many saw the eventual outcome of the Hitler/Mussolini affiliation coming? The point that many Americans are missing is that we are becoming less and less popular around the globe. How can they not see that?

I believe that Venezuelans pay cents per gallon of gasoline, by the way.


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