Workin' 9 to 5

It's not just Dolly Parton. I lead a very "dense" life these days, where my days are so filled that there is little downtime, if any. I like it that way--I feel productive and engaged in my schoolwork. Many decisions yet to be made, however, academically and in almost every other sense. A good time to be alive. This feels like the way college should be; my first normal year.

Papers this semester:

Lawson's class: two examination essays and one 1000+ page book review
French: five short papers and one presentation
Letters: three long-ish papers, one presentation
US/Latin American Relations: two midterms (an A on my first!), a final essay
Politics of Developing Nations: five 1000 word "reaction" papers, two final essays plus three news summaries and a one-page "thumbnail" sketch of our chosen country--mine is Ethiopia.

I'm getting together with the Dean of Student Life to chat and catch up--she's really nice. We met last year to talk over some ideas and it'll be nice to see her again. I see my oracle once per week, and have two doctors appointments this week. I need to revise my op-ed piece for the paper and write a letter to the editor about rising attendance at Mills.

Going to Anna's house for dinner on Thursday w/Trinity to work on notre présenation pour la semaine prochaine (lundi) sur le poèsie d'Ernest Moutassoumy et un article (de vingt pages!) dont notre professeur a écrit. I'm certain qu'il y a des erreurs in my French! Meanwhile, the French dept. is trying to decide which/how many courses to offer next semester and they want to know what our availability is but I'm afraid I won't know until the schedule for next semester comes out.

I'd really like to take both French classes--translation plus the Enlightenment--but that will only work if I can persuade the registrar to let me count French I've already taken toward my IR major to make room for enough courses in Letters and French to double major in Literary and Cultural Studies. On things like this, it's worth going the extra mile because what I major in will affect my whole life, and I want to finish on a strong note.

Yikes! It's approaching 1am and I still have so much to say, but it's bedtime. Must remember toll fare for bridge crossing tomorrow.


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