It's in the details--sort of. How is it that I get so many compliments, but it never feels like enough? Why should compliments leave me feeling empty? I'd like to fix that. I don't want to live in a "not good enough" mindset. I get tons of compliments, and I always have. Seriously--I get compliments on my hair, face, eyes, skin, elegance, gracefulness, eyelashes, smile, fashion sense, profile, neck, shoulders, fingers, hands, legs, and feet. Why doesn't that feel like enough? Non-appearance-related compliments include my intelligence, writing ability, analytical skills, language proficiency (compliments from French, German, Spanish, Finnish, and almost every English teacher), memory, sense of humor, leadership skills, tact, articulation, dancing ability, sense of rhythm, kindness, spelling ability, counseling skills, patience, tenacity, resourcefulness, coordination, my tennis serve, perception/observation, attention span, maturity (ha!), perseverance,...