difficult couple of days

nothing humorous or pithy here today. it's been a difficult couple of days, but, as usual, I feel slightly reborn after slogging through lots of crap.

i'm looking forward to relaxing in front of the grammys--provided no one else has reserved the tv for something else--and catching up on small assignments, having turned in a French paper late today.

I have a cold now; possibly the result of the tumult of the past couple of days. someone has stolen my white bedspread out of the laundry room! i knew i shouldn't have left it so long but i'm very angry and sad all the same.

i believe in global warming; i've lived in the Bay Area all my life and have never witnessed a winter as warm as this one.

i must get ready for dinner.

what's in the news today?

iran's president is an idiot, and he looks like a runt. i feel sorry for most iranians, who deserve so much more. i don't appreciate his "let's obliterate israel" policy, nor his desire to mock the holocaust and deny its existence. his behavior about the nuclear program is frightening; he is blatantly defying the UN in ways Saddam never did.

By the way, I don't believe that Saddam deserves a fair trial. I wouldn't object to a summary execution, honestly, and I do not believe that lowers the us as a culture, the way some do.

poor Britney spears--yes it was wrong to drive with her child on her lap, but she is besieged from every direction these days and clearly has no idea what to do.


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