Mood: Spleen

All I want to do is curl into a ball and sleep; no more homework. No more pushing myself and trying to fit my life into a little tiny shoebox where it doesn't belong. Tired of feeling out of place, out of sync, out of time.

Resentment, debt, bitterness, desperation, hopelessness. Confusion and uncertainty. Inertia. Conflict. Insecurity, loss, yearning, longing, anger.

I want a life now. I want out of this transparent box in which I've been trapped all these years. KCBS repeats the same stuff over and over and it drives me crazy sometimes. How can those people not get bored or go crazy repeating themselves every half hour? Very shallow news coverage.

Afraid of people who do not like me. Desire to change their opinion to a positive one. Hunger, sleepiness.


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