Shame on You, Isaac Newton!

Isn't he the one responsible for discovering the principle of inertia? It's his fault I'm not getting more done.

I keep thinking about the EF guys. Harumph. This guy has been looking at me long enough that I'm starting to think about him when I'm away from the dining hall. I should charge him rent, or something.

What is that principle where you get interested in people you normally wouldn't just because they show interest in you?

So I'm all nervous and self-conscious around this guy, now. I worry about what I wear and how I act, etc. I don't like this disturbance in my energy. I think he's French, which would explain why he rarely smiles. Sometimes I'll catch him looking at me and I feel like saying, "What?! What is your problem? Leave me alone!"

I have so little confidence because the meds take away my personality and charm and ability to talk skillfully to people. I used to be SO confident.

I don't want to go up to this guy, I want him to talk to me first. He needs to leave the confines of his little EF world and reach out to us detested Americans who they won't usually talk to. Natasha's bugging me about him too; I need to make sure this doesn't affect my ego. I'm a thinking man's woman; guys are sometimes intimidated by my intelligence; or maybe it's my personality--who knows? I don't want to be rejected by this guy.

Halie et al. swear by these EF parties on the weekends. I may show up next weekend, but I have no idea how to act or what to say.


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