Mid-Semester Slump

Yuck. I'm reaching that point in the semester when I'm getting really tired and grinding to a halt. I feel tired to the bone, sleep-deprived, unmotivated, etc. I haven't missed many classes (just two so far), which is quite a success, given my track record at Pomona with untreated bipolar and a completely turned-around sleep schedule that I did not understand and could not control. I haven't even had time to get a haircut or eyebrow wax lately, which I'm sure you didn't need to know :-). I'm talking less in class, which might be a relief for some (who knows), but it's because I'm so tired my mind can't really follow what's going on and when I do hear myself sharing something it doesn't make much sense. I feel like I'm shutting down. Five academic classes is a lot.

The Onion

I Can't Stop Thinking About The Foreign-Policy Discussion We Had In The Shower Yesterday

I can barely keep it together at work today. It's impossible to focus. Every time I try to get something done, my palms start to sweat, my head...


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