Pain Brings Me Inward

And that's where I need to be sometimes. I think that Dennis Hastert is guilty of covering up the Foley scandal, based on quotes I've heard from various news sources. It's so ironic that this whole situation reminds me of the Catholic Church scandals on several levels. It's so ironic that the GOP, who like to fashion themselves the bastion of the anti-gay, pro-"morality" establishment, are covering up sexual abuse on the inside while preaching moral perfection on the outside. I use "moral" very loosely here--in the sense in which the right has defined it--to include hate for gays; a narrow, dogmatic interpretation of Christianity; blatant disregard for fact (i.e. science), and intolerance of difference. The amount of hypocrisy shocks me.

This is a direct result of society's refusal to acknowledge the normalcy, benevolence, and reality of homosexuality. Shame on those who perpetrate untruths that cause real harm to our children, adults, and political system. Cowardice is no excuse for participating in a system that allows our most vulnerable citizens to be exploited and destroyed. Yes, I am morally indignant about this. That's right, "Moral Majority," I'm using "moral" in the truest sense of the word, which has nothing to do with your perverted distortion of it. I have nothing but disdain for those who use religion to hurt others, which happens everyday, under our noses. And it isn't just the Catholic Church; all kinds of denominations can and do develop unhealthy dynamics and attract sick people.

[Don't take this literally, NSA or CIA or whoever is monitoring blogs these days]: I think it's time to storm the White House just long enough to get us out of Iraq, and then we can leave Bush to his own devices, which will undoubtedly drive us further into the mire in which we already flounder, but at least we'd be out of Iraq. I'm just astonished at the deafening roar of evidence pouring out of every corner of the world, including ours, that it's time to leave Iraq, that Bush fails to hear or heed. He's rapidly moving from "foolish" to "just plain stupid" in my opinion, and guilty of reckless endangerment of American lives, Iraqi lives, and the stability of the rest of the world.

A better idea: let's give Bush over to the Iraqis, perhaps as their new guest president, so he can see first-hand just how successful his experiment with democracy has been. Really, is there any better-suited person (in his own opinion, anyway) to teach the grateful citizens of Iraq how his version of democracy [which, from his own example in the USA, can only be understood to mean no healthcare, no funding for public education, and irrational tax breaks for those who already have more money than they know what to do with] should work? Thanks to this president, "democracy" has become a four-letter word. How can he not see the damage he is doing? Absolutely inscrutable, unfathomable, and intolerable.


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