I Am a Dancing Queen

I want to go dancing, enjoy myself, and not worry about what anyone else thinks. That's huge; I'm normally very self-conscious about appearing attractive or desirable to others, and that is so inhibitive. I love to dance, and I want to do that right now! I wish I were out with friends; maybe we'll do that one of these nights. I feel like celebrating. I want to define fun on my own terms, which is freeing, not on anyone else's, which is not. The two songs running through my mind right now are "Dancing Queen" by ABBA and "I Want to Dance With Someone Who Loves Me" by--oh dear--Whitney Houston, I believe. I just feel like expressing myself, however corny that may sound. I have joy in my heart tonight, in spite of reading about Saddam's astonishing cruelty in the Iraq literature for my politics class.

Ironically, what also comes to mind is the Audrey Hepburn commercial for "The Gap," in which she says, "I rather feel like expressing myself now," before jumping into a probably computerized dance in her signature slim black capri pants.
I am back in business.


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