"The Girls Next Door"

I have been watching a dreadful reality show called "The Girls Next Door," which is about Hugh Hefner's three girlfriends. It's sad, but I can't look away.

One of the girlfriends, Bridget, shaves her long-haired cat as if it were a poodle. It hisses at her all the time, but she doesn't seem to notice. She's 30-something, but wears her hair in pigtails, talks in a giggly little-girl voice, and her entire bedroom is pink.

Holly, Hef's "main" girlfriend, believes that she and Hef are in love, and that they'll be settling down and having kids soon. Hef is 80, and not even divorced from his current wife. Holly's 25. She came to live at the mansion when Hef had SEVEN girlfriends, and after just one date with him!

Kendra, the youngest "girlfriend," at 20, has her hair dyed the same color platinum as Holly's. She's a little clueless; I have no idea how she wound up as a "girlfriend." At a murder mystery party, one waiter actually had Kendra convinced that a dog had stabbed the "victim."

The "girlfriends" seem perfectly happy doing nothing but living at the mansion, participating in whatever activities are going on there. They even have curfews! The staff at the mansion seem to enjoy making fun of them, which they never seem to notice.

"I've never been a fan of Amphibians. Not only do they strengthen the argument for evolution, they are Nature's fence-sitters. Come on Amphibians, which is it: water or land? Pick one, we're at war." --Stephen Colbert


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