The Tipping Point
NPR is running a segment on tipping in service situations, which is funny, because it's such a middle-class, white-collar issue. You wouldn't hear this segment on KCBS, for example. Says a lot about who NPR's audience is, or at least who they think or they wish their audience to be.
Actually, I have several questions about tipping, too. When someone helps you out to your car with your groceries, do you tip? I usually don't. I do tip delivery people a dollar (food delivery, not UPS). What about people who move your furniture? Skycaps at airports?
Actually, I have several questions about tipping, too. When someone helps you out to your car with your groceries, do you tip? I usually don't. I do tip delivery people a dollar (food delivery, not UPS). What about people who move your furniture? Skycaps at airports?